Water in the Wilderness: a creative Lenten journey


Join us as we walk together into the wilderness alongside Jesus for the forty days of Lent, keeping our eyes out for glimpses of life-giving water along the way. We will be naming our thirst and our experiences of water all throughout the season together, catching glimpses of God meeting us in the midst of places that may have seemed so barren.

What will this look like?


*We will meet at deeper.anamcara.com, where all the season’s content will be, as well as being a space for comments and interactions

*Weekly Spiritual Practice Groups: Each group of about 6 people will meet (on Zoom) 6 times during the course of Lent, to pray with creative and contemplative practices such as Lectio Divina and Ignatian imaginative prayer, among others. Here are the times we will meet, so you can see if any of them will work for you (you will sign up for your preferred group time when you get into the course!):

Thursdays 10:30am & 6pm PT

(2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, and 3/28)

If these groups fill up, we will add a 9am one!

*Daily water-themed prompts for creativity, journaling, or prayer (all self-paced—if “daily” feels too daunting, you can engage however makes sense for you in this season!)

*Community gathering to share and witness each others’ process, to say our ‘me too’s about the experience of the wilderness, and about the deep wells we discover and little drops of water we receive along the way, too.

*Bonus pre-Lent found poetry exercise for aiding discernment around your “fast” for Lent!


Cost: $129

Sign up here! And email me at jamie@anamcara.com with any questions!

***Please note: if we don’t have a minimum of 5 participants, the course will be canceled for this season, and purchasers will be refunded.***